Lost cities and ghost towns are all around the globe. But it's rare for all of a town's people to suddenly vanish. So it's strange that the mystery of Cedar Hollow is so rarely mentioned in history books.
A popular magic trick throughout history is the disappearing trick. It can be a difficult illusion to pull off, but it baffles the mind. Something vanishing before your very eyes feels impossible. So it's no wonder when entire settlements, towns, and civilizations vanish without a trace, they become famous.
Many of us are familiar with the mysterious decline of the Mayans, or how the Roanoke Colony inexplicably disappeared. But you may not have heard of Cedar Hollow.
The small town of Cedar Hollow was settled in the 1840's with a primary resource of timber. The local wetland also provided ample fishing and hunting, allowing the town to grow quickly and prosper. However, you won’t find this town on a map anymore. Instead, you’ll find a small town named Greenfield.
Between 1890 and 1910, Cedar Hollow suddenly stopped appearing on postage and news. The last bits of history we know about the town is a local court hearing to be held for supposed cannibalism. Today, the town is hidden within the forest, blanketed under moss and thicket as the wetland reclaims it.
Little is known as to why the people suddenly left. But the people of Greenfield don’t seem interested in investigating. Superstition surrounds the forest of Thicket Grove. So much so, many claim the forest is responsible for more recent disappearances.